John James Headed to Another Out-of-State Fundraiser and Radical Anti-Choice Summit, Spending More Time in Washington, D.C. Than Holding Public Events in Michigan
Failed Senate candidate John James is once again ditching Michigan and hitting the national Republican circuit. James is starting a multi-day swing through Washington, D.C. to rub elbows with GOP mega-donors and then be celebrated for his far-right views at an anti-choice summit.
Tonight, James is holding a fundraiser with GOP Sen. John Thune for $1,000 a plate.

And James’ fun in D.C. doesn’t end there. On Wednesday, James will be speaking at the Susan B. Anthony List Pro-Life Leaders Summit.

If it seems like James is always leaving Michigan, that’s because he is. James still “has yet to hold public campaign events in Michigan” and refuses to talk to local media, but has made plenty of time to head out-of-state to fundraise with Mitch McConnell and President Trump.
“John James spends his time rubbing elbows in Washington and chasing wealthy out-of-state donors while hiding from Michigan voters because he can’t defend his out-of-touch positions,” said MDP Spokesperson Alex Japko. “The fact that James is once again hitting the national GOP circuit proves he’ll be a reliable vote for his party leaders like President Trump and Mitch McConnell, and not an independent voice for Michigan.”