James Craig’s Education Plan: Cut Funding for Schools and Hope for “Magical Things”

After months of running a “relatively quiet” campaign, James Craig yesterday visited charter schools to give a preview of his dangerous education agenda – a DeVos style voucher scheme that would decimate public education.

Seeking to defund public schools by any means necessary, Craig expressed support for stripping public schools of their funding and transferring those resources to charter schools. 

Then according to MIRS, Craig said that the public education death spiral that would come from altering Michigan’s constitution to funnel taxpayer resources to private schools would somehow spur school districts to improve, arguing that when “you incentivize progress, magical things begin to happen.”

MDP spokesperson Rodericka Applewhaite issued the following statement:

“The only ‘magical thing’ happening here is James Craig thinking Michigan families, students, and educators will take his DeVos style voucher scheme sitting down. The reality is Craig has no plan to improve public education because he intends to snuff the life out of it entirely, which would only shortchange students, broaden inequality and further hurt the communities that need these resources most. This isn’t how a leader would keep Michigan first, but it certainly is a way for Craig to ensure his anti-public education special interests that he’ll stay in their corner.”

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