Read Extended Comments of Tudor Dixon Calling the Incestual Rape of a Child the “Perfect Example” of Her Dangerous Anti-Choice Agenda

Read Extended Comments of Tudor Dixon Calling the Incestual Rape of a Child the “Perfect Example” of Her Dangerous Anti-Choice Agenda

The fallout continues for DeVos sellout and MIGOP-insider favorite Tudor Dixon following her callous anti-choice stance discussed on Charlie LeDuff’s No BS Newshour, made viral last week by Heartland Signal. ...
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There Isn’t Enough Asphalt in Michigan to Fill the Gaping Sinkholes in the Entire Republican Gubernatorial Field’s Infrastructure “Plans”

There Isn’t Enough Asphalt in Michigan to Fill the Gaping Sinkholes in the Entire Republican Gubernatorial Field’s Infrastructure “Plans”

We were going to draft another straightforward release highlighting the fact that with eight days to go until the primary, the entire field has shown that they would reverse the ...
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Kevin Rinke Finally Comes Clean on His “Piss-Poor Public Policy Proposal” to Slash Billions From Critical Services, After Months of Dodging Basic Questions

Kevin Rinke Finally Comes Clean on His “Piss-Poor Public Policy Proposal” to Slash Billions From Critical Services, After Months of Dodging Basic Questions

With just days to go before majority undecided Michigan voters select a gubernatorial Republican from the crowded field, out-of-touch millionaire Kevin Rinke is finally answering questions about a central pillar ...
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WATCH: Tudor Dixon’s Agenda: Not Common, Makes No Sense

WATCH: Tudor Dixon’s Agenda: Not Common, Makes No Sense

The Michigan Democratic Party is releasing a new video highlighting Tudor Dixon’s regular embrace of dangerous and bizarre conspiracy theories that have no basis in fact.  DeVos and special interest ...
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Weekly Roundup: Debate #7, The Kevin-Tudor Bicker Show, and Dixon’s “Perfect Example”

Weekly Roundup: Debate #7, The Kevin-Tudor Bicker Show, and Dixon’s “Perfect Example”

Eleven! Days! To! Go! until the end of the primary. As it stands, things are, according to pollster Richard Czuba, at a “dead heat between” everyone not named Ralph Rebandt ...
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UPDATE: New Footage Reveals Tudor Dixon Tripling Down on Incestual Rape of a Child Being “Perfect Example” of Need for Abortion Ban

UPDATE: New Footage Reveals Tudor Dixon Tripling Down on Incestual Rape of a Child Being “Perfect Example” of Need for Abortion Ban

This week, Tudor Dixon faced scrutiny in Michigan and nationally after she went viral for saying that incest and rape resulting in the pregnancy of a child was a “perfect ...
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QUICK CLIP: Tudor Dixon: “Teenage Victim of Sexual Assault is a Quote “Perfect Example” of Why Abortion Should be Banned”

QUICK CLIP: Tudor Dixon: “Teenage Victim of Sexual Assault is a Quote “Perfect Example” of Why Abortion Should be Banned”

MIGOP-insider Tudor Dixon continues to earn attention for describing a 14-year-old child being sexually assaulted by their uncle as a “perfect example” of someone who should be forced to give ...
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SPECIAL INTEREST ALERT: Koch-Founded Americans for Prosperity is the Latest Special Interest Group to Get Behind MIGOP-Insider Favorite Tudor Dixon

SPECIAL INTEREST ALERT: Koch-Founded Americans for Prosperity is the Latest Special Interest Group to Get Behind MIGOP-Insider Favorite Tudor Dixon

Yesterday, yet another establishment special interest group lined up behind “podcaster” and MIGOP-insider favorite Tudor Dixon. Americans for Prosperity is up with a five-figure radio ad buy to distract from ...
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Snake Oil Salesman Garrett Soldano is PAST DUE on 2021 Tax Return Disclosure, Other Answers Owed to Michigan Working Families

Snake Oil Salesman Garrett Soldano is PAST DUE on 2021 Tax Return Disclosure, Other Answers Owed to Michigan Working Families

In response to snake oil salesman Garrett Soldano joining the rest of the crowded field in refusing to disclose his 2021 tax returns, MDP is reminding Michiganders that this is ...
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MDP Statement on Republicans in Michigan Voting Against Michiganders’ Access to Contraceptives  

MDP Statement on Republicans in Michigan Voting Against Michiganders’ Access to Contraceptives  

Today, every single Michigan House Republican running for re-election, voted against a bill that would protect Michiganders’ ability to access contraceptives and contraception, and protect health care providers’ ability to ...
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Known and Charged Insurrectionist Ryan Kelley is PAST DUE on 2021 Tax Return Disclosure, Other Answers Owed to Michigan Working Families

Known and Charged Insurrectionist Ryan Kelley is PAST DUE on 2021 Tax Return Disclosure, Other Answers Owed to Michigan Working Families

In response to known and charged insurrectionist Ryan Kelley joining the rest of the crowded field in refusing to disclose his 2021 tax returns, MDP is reminding Michiganders that this ...
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ICYMI: Tudor Dixon Calls Incestual Rape of a Child a “Perfect Example” of Her Dangerous Plan to Ban Abortion

ICYMI: Tudor Dixon Calls Incestual Rape of a Child a “Perfect Example” of Her Dangerous Plan to Ban Abortion

Yesterday, the news broke that “podcaster” and MIGOP-insider Tudor Dixon described a 14-year-old child being sexually assaulted by their uncle as a “perfect example” of someone who should be forced ...
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