As Historic Legislative Session Wraps Up, Michiganders will Reap the Benefits of Democrats’ Accomplishments

With sine die, Michigan Dems in the legislature have delivered life-changing legislation for Michiganders

LANSING — The Michigan Legislature has closed out one of the most productive legislative sessions in Michigan history where Democrats delivered on the issues Michiganders care about most, including defending reproductive rights, lowering costs for the middle class, improving health care, and creating clean energy jobs. 

Democrats have been laser-focused on creating a brighter future for their communities now and for the generations to come. Now that the session is ending, Michiganders will soon feel the direct impacts of this important legislation.

“Michigan Democrats made history during this legislative session by passing momentous legislation on the issues most important to our communities,” said Chair of the Michigan Democratic Party Lavora Barnes. “MAGA extremists in the Karamo-Hall Michigan GOP tried to stand in the way of progress at every turn, but Democrats continued to fight for their constituents. With our first trifecta in 40 years, Democrats proved that with our steady leadership, we can improve the lives of all Michiganders.”

For a look at just some of the accomplishments from this session, check out the highlights below:

Health Care 

Codified the Affordable Care Act

  • Democrats codified provisions of the Affordable Care Act into Michigan law to guarantee discrimination protection based on: sexuality, gender, and pre-existing conditions. 
  • By expanding protections and holding bad actors accountable, these laws lower the cost of health care so more Michiganders can afford coverage. 

Reproductive Health Act

  • Michigan Democrats repealed harmful, burdensome restrictions around abortion to increase access to reproductive care. 
  • This is an important first step in guaranteeing all Michiganders have access to their constitutionally protected right to reproductive freedom. 

Civil Rights

Expanded Elliot Larsen

  • Michigan Democrats added sexual orientation and gender identity to the Elliott-Larsen Civil Rights Act to protect LGBTQ+ Michiganders from discrimination in housing, the workplace, and in the larger community. 
  • Additionally, Michigan legislators expanded the Elliot Larsen Act to protect workers from employment discrimination if they had an abortion. 

Repealed Right to Work

  • The repeal of Right to Work supports working families in getting better pay, better benefits, and strengthening workers’ bargaining power to push back against greedy corporations. 
  • Democrats stand with workers across the state, even as Republicans try to gut unions to put big corporate interests ahead of middle-class families. 

Banned Conversion Therapy

  • Michigan Democrats banned the horrific practice of conversion therapy for minors that causes lasting physical, psychological, and emotional harm to children. 
  • Michigan, along with 22 other states, protects minors from the harmful, inhumane practice which has lifelong mental repercussions, such as depression, anxiety, and PTSD. 


Repealed the Retirement Tax

  • Democrats repealed the retirement tax to put an average of $1,000 a year back into the pockets of retirees, equalizing public and private pensions. 
  • Michigan Dems know how hard retired individuals worked all their lives, and fought for this legislation so they can keep their hard-earned money to reduce senior poverty. 

Expanded the Working Families Tax Credit 

  • By quintupling the Working Families Tax Credit, Democrats are working to grow the middle class and make a fairer economy where working families get the support they deserve. 
  • While MIGOP tries to help the 1%, Michigan Dems always put the needs of middle-class families, the people who power our economy, first. 


Education Budget

  • Michigan Dems created the largest education budget in the history of the state with the largest per-pupil funding, free school breakfast and lunch for every child, and a first step towards universal pre-K. 
  • This budget puts money directly into the classroom to boost literacy, support students, and ensure all children are where they need to be. 

Filter First 

  • Michigan Democrats mandated that all schools and daycare facilities must have filtered water to protect students across the state from the effects of lead poisoning as seen in the Snyder administration’s Flint water crisis disaster. 
  • Michigan Dems are ensuring the current generation of Michigan students does not have to suffer the way children did during the Snyder years so that every young Michigander has the tools they need to be healthy and successful.


Landmark State Budget

  • This $82 billion budget invests in every aspect of improving Michigan: critical water and road infrastructure, emergency response resources, workforce development programs, and more. 
  • Democrats fought to put every dollar right back into Michigan communities to improve grid reliability, lower utility costs, and help working families. 

Gun Violence

Domestic Violence Gun Reform

  • This life-saving legislation prevents convicted domestic abusers from accessing firearms that make it 5x more likely that an abuser will kill their partner.
  • This common-sense reform was developed with collaboration from domestic violence groups and law enforcement and will save countless lives from the epidemic of gun violence.

Background Checks and Safe Storage

  • These common-sense bills require all firearm purchases to include a background check to try and stop the epidemic of gun violence in Michigan. 
  • The safe storage laws protect children by mandating that all places where a minor would be reasonably present must have any firearms unloaded and stored in a locked container. 

Greener Michigan

Clean Energy

  • This bill package is a huge accomplishment in protecting Michigan’s beautiful natural resources and promoting clean energy for generations. 
  • Republicans want to keep Michigan in the past, but Michigan Democrats know that we can protect the environment and be a national example of greener economic innovation. 

It has been a busy few months, but we are so proud of the work we have done and look forward to the next session where Democrats will continue to serve Michigan.


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