As Governor Whitmer Tours Michigan to Tout Robust Economic Plan, Entire GOP Gubernatorial Field Continues to Come Up Empty on Policy Priorities

LANSING — Today, Governor Whitmer is in Flint to tout her $2.1 billion MI New Economy Plan, a robust investment in Michigan over the next five years that  will grow the middle class, support small businesses, and build strong communities. 

Key components include providing access to low or no cost child care for 150,000 more families by 2024, taking steps to make Michigan a Top 10 state for small business job growth, and ensuring no corner of the state lacks access to high-speed internet. 

As with every other step Governor Whitmer has taken to improve the lives of working Michigan families, MI New Economy shows just how out-of-touch the entire field of Republicans running against her remains despite having had months to come up with campaign priorities. 

For example, none of the 12 Republicans in the running opted to name infrastructure as a top priority. James Craig took it one step further by saying that making key investments in our infrastructure was not “one of my priorities” and admitted he had no plan to do so. 

Instead the crowded Republican primary field has used all their time propping up the baseless crusade to relitigate 2020. All have either voiced support for an unnecessary partisan audit, echoed conspiratorial claims that Trump had a second term stolen, or thrown their support behind any legislation that will make it harder for all Michiganders to vote.

Additionally, Craig and Tudor Dixon have pledged to decimate public education by any means necessary to gain the support of disastrous former Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos.

MDP spokesperson Rodericka Applewhaite issued the following statement:

“The entire GOP gubernatorial field has proven time and again that they are more interested in pursuing partisan games and scoring political points than actually improving the lives of Michiganders. Prioritizing our working families and improving our economy requires real leadership, and that doesn’t come from a hyperfixation on election conspiracy theories or commitments to decimate public education. That’s why Governor Whitmer will continue to work with anyone to achieve the goals set out in her MI New Economy plan to put Michigan back to work, strengthen small businesses, and improve internet access statewide – all without raising taxes.”

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