What to Expect Ahead of Tonight’s GOP Gubernatorial Debate in Warren

Tonight, the crowded Republican primary “circus” will participate in the latest debate of a primary that has been defined by forgeries, the unprecedented removal of both the frontrunner and the top spender, vampires, zombies, an FBI raid and arrestmultiple federal criminal charges, and don’t forget the all of the fringe candidates.

The event taking place in Warren is expected to feature the following:

More Extreme Pledges to Eliminate Reproductive Freedom in Michigan 

Following the full reversal of Roe v. Wade, the right to choose is under immediate threat for millions of Michigan women and families. An outcome enthusiastically anticipated and then celebrated by every Republican running for governor, Michigan is now at risk of reverting back to a draconian and previously dormant law from 1931 that criminalizes abortion, makes felons out of reproductive health care providers, and provides no exceptions for rape or incest.

Republicans on stage will no doubt reaffirm their commitment to seeing this ban back in place, once again restoring Michigan as one of the most hostile and restrictive states for abortion in America. They should also be expected to line up behind highly punitive, recently introduced legislation to make the 1931 abortion ban immediately enforceable and imprison providers for up to 20 years.

Rabid Reliance on Divisive Rhetoric to Distract From Their Wrong-for-Michigan Agendas

As demonstrated in breathtakingly unhinged form by Tudor Dixon this afternoon in Lansing, candidates tonight should be expected to lean into divisive rhetoric \ so they can distract from the issues working families care about, such as infrastructure, reproductive freedom, funded public schools, and a strong economy.

More Election Conspiracy Theories Passed Off as “Jokes” by Kevin Rinke

Kevin Rinke’s “flat-out false” TV ad broadcasting completely unfounded conspiracy theories about our elections continues to get him into trouble. Since it began airing earlier this month, it has been ripped apart by several outlets including the Detroit Free Press, CNN, FactCheck.org, Daily Kos, and Politifact. WLNS had fact checked it once, but then returned to highlight the lies as their top story after swimming through “stacks of viewer emails and phone calls with concerns.” Going on defense, the out-of-touch millionaire has been claiming the whole thing was “a joke.” 

The Entire Stage Will Come to Frontrunner Ryan Kelley’s Defense, Again

Known and charged insurrectionist Ryan Kelley continues to double down on his radical extremism and “catapult” to the top of the heap after the FBI raided his home and arrested him on multiple criminal charges

Every other Republican gubernatorial candidate and both MIGOP co-chairs “rushed” to defend the self-described “threat to democracy” on the day of his arrest – despite knowing it was for participating in the violent insurrection on January 6th that resulted in five deaths and 140 injured law enforcement officers. Many have speculated that it may help distinguish him among the crowded field, and more defense of his violent actions will be expected in Warren.

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