What to Expect Ahead of Tonight’s GOP Gubernatorial Debate in Grand Rapids

Tonight, the crowded Republican gubernatorial “circus” will participate in the latest debate of a primary that has been defined by the unprecedented removal of both the frontrunner and the top spender, vampires, zombies, multiple federal criminal charges, and every extreme candidate jostling for attention.

The event taking place in Grand Rapids is expected to feature the following:

More Infighting Over Their Radical Agendas That Would Slash Billions from Critical Services Like Law Enforcement, Public Schools, and Infrastructure

As Michiganders witnessed during last week’s debate in Warren, candidates tonight should be expected to once again yell and talk over each other as they attack one another over their dangerous agendas. They will continue to prioritize conspiracy theories and plans to take Michigan backwards over real solutions for the issues working families care about. All have backed disastrous budget plans that would slash billions from the critical services that allow Michigan to operate, such as local law enforcement, public education, and infrastructure.

Reinforced Commitment to Eliminate Reproductive Freedom for Millions of Michigan Women and Families

A devastating outcome enthusiastically anticipated and then celebrated by every Republican running for governor at every debate this cycle so far, Michigan is now at risk of reverting back to a draconian and previously dormant law from 1931 that criminalizes abortion, makes felons out of doctors and nurses, and provides no exceptions for rape or incest.

Republicans on stage will no doubt reaffirm their commitment to seeing this draconian, century old law put back into effect, giving Michigan the most restrictive abortion ban in the nation. They have shown interest in going even further, and have eager partners in the Legislature who just introduced highly punitive legislation to make the 1931 abortion ban immediately enforceable and imprison providers for up to 20 years.

Continued Promises to Turn Back the Clock on Basic Rights Like Same-Sex Marriage

At the last debate, Ryan Kelley and Garrett Soldano argued that the U.S. Supreme Court “need[s] to revisit it all” and “give the power back to the states” with regards to civil rights issues like same-sex marriage. Similarly, Ralph Rebandt advocated for the thawing of a Michigan statute that recognizes marriage as only between one man and one woman. 

Ryan Kelley Will Put on a Show Ahead of His Arraignment in Federal Court

Known and charged insurrectionist Ryan Kelley continues to double down on his radical extremism and “catapult” to the top of the heap after the FBI raided his home and arrested him on multiple criminal charges. He is expected in federal court tomorrow for an arraignment of these charges and has been raising money for his legal expenses.

Every other Republican gubernatorial candidate and both MIGOP co-chairs “rushed” to defend the self-described “threat to democracy” on the day of his arrest – despite knowing it was for participating in the violent insurrection on January 6th that resulted in five deaths and 140 injured law enforcement officers. Many have speculated that it may help distinguish him among the crowded field, and more defense of his violent actions will be expected in Grand Rapids as candidates may have since donated to Kelley’s legal defense fund.

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