Weekly Roundup: Michigan Dems Run Laps Around MAGA MIGOP

Michigan Democrats deliver on reproductive rights, build momentum for November, and hold MAGA extremists accountable at every turn

LANSING — Even as the end of the year is quickly approaching, Michigan Democrats have not stopped working for all Michiganders. In Osceola County, Democrats formed the first county party in nearly a decade to ensure that we are building support from the ground up, all across the state. Governor Whitmer also signed the final piece of the Reproductive Health Act into law – a major step toward making Michigan a bastion of reproductive freedom. 

All this important work was in stark contrast to MAGA Matt Hall and the Michigan GOP, who were put on blast in The Gander this week for voting time and time again against the will of their constituents when it comes to abortion rights. 

As the holidays approach, Michigan Democrats are giving the gift of accountability, and reminding everyone how the MIGOP will stop at nothing to stand in the way of progress and shove their radical agenda down Michiganders’ throats.

Check out more highlights from this week below:

The week started off strong for the Democrats with the formation of the Osceola County Democratic Party, making it the first recognized Democratic Party in the county in nearly a decade! This exciting shift further proves the hard work Michigan Dems put in year-round – we are showing up, and we are delivering: 

Michigan News Source: Michigan Dems Gain Momentum for Party While Michigan GOP Implodes

  • On one side of the aisle, the Michigan Democrat Party is continuing to use its all-blue momentum to keep things going strong into the 2024 presidential election. For the first time in ten years, Osceola County formally established a Democrat county party organization and elected new leadership.
  • “We are incredibly excited to work with Osceola County Democrats in the coming election cycle and I am so thankful for their commitment and hard work to establish this organization. Standing together and building coalitions across the state is how we ensure Democrats can keep building on the incredible progress we have made in the last two years,” Barnes said.

Keeping the ball rolling, Governor Whitmer signed the final piece of the Reproductive Health Act, removing the ban on insurance coverage of abortion care. Ten years ago to the day of the signing, Governor Whitmer (at the time a state senator) stood up to the MIGOP for restricting Michiganders’ reproductive freedom by sharing her own story of being a survivor of sexual assault. This so-called “rape insurance” required someone to purchase additional abortion insurance coverage, instead of including it in standard health insurance: 

NBC News: Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer’s latest move on abortion highlights Democrats’ 2024 push 

  • Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer on Monday repealed a state law that required women to have a separate rider on their insurance plans for abortion coverage.
  • It’s the latest in a string of moves the Democrat has made on the issue in the battleground state after voters enshrined abortion rights in the state constitution last year following the overturning of Roe v. Wade.

CNN: Whitmer’s push for abortion rights continues as she repeals insurance requirement in Michigan

  • The controversial insurance rider requirement was approved in 2013 by the then-Republican-led legislature.
  • Whitmer, then the state Senate minority leader, spoke against it at the time and revealed her own personal story. “The Republican male majority continues to ignorantly and unnecessarily weigh in on important women’s health issues that they know nothing about,” she said, according to MLive.com.

This popular legislation, stemming from the overwhelming support for the Prop 3 Right to Reproductive Freedom Initiative  last year, exemplifies the difference between the two parties here in Michigan. One party actually cares about what their constituents want and need, while the other (take a guess which) is simply pushing their extremist agenda no matter what:

The Gander: 12 Michigan Republicans who rejected their own districts’ views on abortion

  • But when the Reproductive Health Act came up for a vote this year, many Republican state lawmakers effectively turned their backs on their own voters by rejecting the legislation—including lawmakers who represent districts that clearly supported Proposal 3.
  • Among them: Republican House Minority Leader Matt Hall, who voted against every bill in the package despite a clear majority (55%) of voters in his district voting for Proposal 3.
  • “While we know there is more progress to be made, this legislation is an important step toward promoting equity and justice,” Michigan Democratic Party Chairwoman Lavora Barnes said in a statement. “The Freedom Caucus and MAGA Matt Hall’s MIGOP members have made it clear that they will undermine reproductive freedom at any chance they get, and we are so thankful that Democrats delivered this win for Michiganders to protect abortion rights for years to come.”

Then, on the fifth anniversary of Trump celebrating the removal of core aspects of the Affordable Care Act, Michigan Democrats highlighted the threat that MAGA Republicans and Trump would pose to the ACA if they get elected. Check out a snippet of the Chair of the Michigan Democratic Party Lavora Barnes’ statement below: 

“We must not forget that Republicans are a threat to every person who has found better, more affordable care through the ACA. Trump and his MAGA acolytes in Congress and the statehouse have one priority: letting vulnerable communities pay the price while they side with insurance companies and Big Pharma to kill families.”

Democrats are building momentum for 2024 and are proving that we can deliver. Meanwhile, the other side of the aisle remains embroiled in controversy. Maybe they’re taking some time for end-of-year reflections on why they’re consistently failing Michiganders…or then again, maybe not. Either way, see everyone next week! 

Signing off, 

Michigan Dems


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