WATCH: Rogers, Meijer, Pensler, and Amash Attack Each Other in “Unruly” GOP Senate Primary

Watch the Michigan GOP Senate Primary Brutal Infighting video here

LANSING — Michigan Republicans’ brutal infighting is getting nastier by the day. Mike Rogers, Peter Meijer, Sandy Pensler, and Justin Amash are continuing to “take shots” at each other in the “unruly” and “messy” Senate primary. 

The Republicans’ “fractured” primary is guaranteed to leave Republicans with a badly-damaged nominee who is out of step with Michiganders.

WATCH: Michigan GOP Senate Primary Brutal Infighting

Here’s what you need to know about the GOP candidates’ “clash” in this “doozy” of a primary:

  • Amash attacked his opponents and called them “phonies” who are “just changing their tune from year to year based on what seems popular.” Amash called out Rogers for being the biggest “warrantless surveillance” fan.
  • Pensler didn’t hesitate when asked about Rogers, describing him as “unprincipled.” 
  • Amash and Rogers have bad blood. Rogers even tried to “oust” Amash by helping raise money for his challenger. 

See for yourself: 

JR AfternoonAmash: “You’ll see other candidates in the race who are just changing their tune from year to year based on what seems popular… You have a lot of phonies who run for office, and I’m going to stand against these phonies… No man loved warrantless surveillance more than Mike Rogers.”

Off the RecordTim Skubick: “Mike Rogers?” … Pensler: “Unprincipled.”

Fox 17Amash: “Well, it is a crowded field, but most of the contenders aren’t real contenders in my opinion. I think most of them aren’t really up to the task. And even the person who’s lauded as the top contender right now, which would be Mike Rogers, I think is not a very strong contender.”

Crain’s Detroit: “There is a history between Rogers and Amash. After announcing he would not seek re-election in 2014, Rogers — who chaired the House Intelligence Committee — helped raise money to try to oust Amash.”

Politico: “Republicans had hoped to avoid messy primaries… but the entry of yet another Republican in Michigan… means the party will have to wait to see who emerges from its August 6 primary first.”

Detroit News“‘His voting record is maybe the worst voting record you could have in a Republican primary in 2024, and as people begin to learn about who Mike Rogers is, I think they’re gonna run away and run away fast,’ Amash added… ‘Meanwhile, Justin has accomplished nothing for the people of Michigan…’ Rogers spokesman said.”

Off the RecordMeijer: “The biggest difference you’re going to see in this field or with me and the former Congressman is that, frankly, I’m a little bit younger. I have a little bit different perspective. I have a little bit more of a record of not just kind of following into a party line.”

The Cook Political Report: “The Republican contest is shaping up to be a doozy… a microcosm of the broader fight within the Republican party.” 

Michigan’s Big ShowRogers: “I think people run for office for all the wrong reasons. Especially the legislative branch… You shouldn’t go there to be famous. And I think what happens when those folks go for the wrong reasons, they end up looking a lot more like George Santos than any statesman that you’ll see.”


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