Vote early in person

You can vote early in person at your city/township clerk's office.

You don't need a reason or excuse, and you can register to vote first if you're not already registered.

  • Go to your city/township clerk’s office and request an absentee ballot. You can also register to vote first if necessary. Find your clerk’s office location and hours here.
  • Vote your ballot and return it to the clerk or their staff. You’re done!

No. But if you have it, bring it with you. You will be asked for a photo ID. If you do not have a photo ID or do not have it with you, you can sign a simple form and vote.

Maybe, depending on where you live. Some clerks have satellite offices where you can vote early in person. Check your clerk’s website for information about satellite offices.

Yes. All clerk’s offices are required to be open for at least 8 hours during the weekend before Election Day for registration and in person early voting. Find your clerk’s specific hours during that weekend here.

Some clerks have additional weekend hours at their offices or at their satellite offices.

It’s a way of voting for all of the nominees of one political party by filling in a single oval or box on the ballot, instead of filling in each individual oval or box for each nominee. 

No. A straight party vote applies only to the Partisan Section of your ballot and only counts for candidates who were nominated by their party during the Primary Election in August. 

Write-in candidates are not covered by a straight ticket vote. To vote for a write-in for a particular office, fill in the oval or box next to the write-in option for that office and write the candidate’s name in the space provided.

You must mark your ballot separately to vote in the Nonpartisan Section (for judges and school board) and in the Proposals Section:

  • The Michigan Democratic Party nominated Justice Richard Bernstein and Kyra Harris Bolden for the Michigan Supreme Court. 
  • The Michigan Democratic Party endorsed Proposal 2 (Promote the Vote 2022) and Proposal 3 (Reproductive Freedom for All) and recommends a “Yes” vote on both.

Look for the “Straight Party Ticket” heading at the top of the far-left column of your ballot. If you fill in the oval or box next to “Democratic Party,” you cast a vote for all of the Democratic nominees in the Partisan Section of the ballot at once and don’t need to do anything else in the Partisan Section to vote for all of the Democratic nominees.

Yes. If you vote straight party Democratic AND fill in the ovals or boxes for some or all of the individual Democratic nominees, your vote will count for all of the Democratic nominees in the Partisan Section, in the same way as it would if you just mark the straight party Democratic.

Yes. You can vote straight party Democratic and vote for one or more individual candidates of another party. Your straight party vote will count for all of the Democratic nominees other than the offices where you vote for a candidate of the other party. Your vote(s) for the individual candidate(s) of the other party will also count. This is called a “split ticket.” 


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