Trump’s Failed COVID-19 Response: 1.5 Million Masks Unused, Ventilator Production Stalled

LANSING– As Donald Trump erratically stumbles through his response to a pandemic he called a “hoax” and downplayed for months, new reports highlight the administration’s continued failures to respond.

The first report notes that, “nearly 1.5 million N95 respirator masks are sitting in a U.S. government warehouse” while Michigan nurses and doctors suffer massive PPE shortages, with whole hospital divisions lacking the critical masks. While failing to provide masks, the Trump administration is also “having second thoughts” about producing as many as 80,000 critical ventilators and Trump denies the need for ventilators to deal with the deadly respiratory illness infecting thousands of Michiganders.

“Donald Trump is forcing health care workers to go without the protective equipment they need and potentially leaving thousands of sick patients without critical ventilators,” said Michigan Democratic Party spokesman Christian Slater. “Instead of launching erratic political attacks in a desperate attempt to dodge responsibility, Donald Trump needs to do his job.”

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