STATEMENT: Michigan Dems Chair on Justin Amash’s Senate Announcement

LANSING — Michigan Democratic Party Chair Lavora Barnes issued the following statement on Justin Amash’s entrance into the “aggressive” GOP Senate primary “bloodbath” in Michigan:

“Michigan Republicans’ brutal infighting is getting nastier by the day. Their caustic showdown will leave them with a badly damaged nominee who is out of touch with Michigan families. Amash has an extensive record of leaving Michiganders behind: supporting dangerous abortion bans, vowing to gut health care access, and backing the 2017 tax giveaway to the wealthy and large corporations.”

What to know about Justin Amash and Michigan’s “brutal intraparty battle” that could “fracture the vote:”

  • Amash supported dangerous abortion bans, called for a repeal of the Affordable Care Act, and supported the 2017 tax giveaway to the ultra-wealthy and corporations. 
  • NBC News: Michigan GOP’s “bitter fight” is “getting so cataclysmically bad” that it will hurt the Michigan Republican Senate primary
  • Politico: “The Senate GOP expects some brutal intraparty battles… Ohio and Michigan are descending into bloodbaths as multiple self-funders vie for the nomination in each state.”
  • CNN: “Republicans, however, have an ever-growing primary…” and no candidate has “cleared the field.”
  • Washington Post: “The primary for Republicans is threatening to fracture the vote.”
  • The Cook Political Report: the Republican contest is shaping up to be a doozy…a microcosm of the broader fight within the Republican party.” 
  • The Hill: “The barrage of negative press has many Michigan Republicans worried that the state of the party will hinder their efforts in what is expected to be a major political battleground next year… Republicans critical of the state party have expressed doubt that they will be able to right the ship given the party’s financial issues and infighting.”


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