Senate Showdown: Rogers Refuses to Admit How Much Money He Made Selling Out to China, Republicans Urge Trump to “Dump” Him 

LANSING — If we had to describe the Michigan GOP Senate Showdown as a Spotify daylist title, it’d be something along the lines of “brutal chaotic infighting dump him friday mood.” Republicans are asking what the return policy is for Trump’s endorsement of “Deep State Mike Rogers.” Amash is slamming his “neocon” and “authoritarian” opponents and comparing and contrasting his voting record with Rogers. Spoiler alert: Rogers? Big surveillance state guy

Here’s the latest on the “jumbled” GOP primary: 

  • What’s the return policy? Republicans protested outside of a Rogers fundraiser and urged Trump to “listen” and rescind his endorsement of “Deep State RINO” Rogers.
  • Yikes… The Michigan Republicans’ brutal infighting is getting nastier by the day. We’ve got you covered with the TLDR
  • Tomorrow marks the anniversary of the Affordable Care Act being signed into law. But Rogers, Meijer, Pensler, and Amash have all vowed to gut the ACA which would result in millions of Michiganders being denied health care access. 
  • Rogers can’t erase his extensive anti-abortion record, including co-sponsoring and voting for numerous bills that would have banned abortion.

See for yourself: 

MIRS: MDP Says Rogers Must Answer For Connections To China; He Says He Has

  • … U.S. Senate candidate Mike ROGERS found himself the subject of a story from the same outlet for having profited from alleged business connections with companies in China. 
  • The story said Rogers and his wife have gained “hundreds of thousands of dollars in wealth through companies that have partnered with Chinese firms,” such as AT&T, which Rogers worked for briefly. 
  • Before working for AT&T, Rogers co-authored a report as the U.S. House Intelligence Committee chairman about Chinese telecommunications companies, stating that Huawei Technologies “may be violating United States laws” which later partnered with AT&T while Rogers was chief security adviser in 2016.
  • AT&T came under fire for its connections with Huawei, which was trying to put pen to paper on a deal that would sell Huawei phones in the U.S. The deal fell through in 2018, and two former Rogers staffers lobbied under Navigators Global for AT&T when lawmakers pushed for a discontinuation of business between AT&T and Huawei, according to Reuters.
  • The Michigan Democratic Party said in a statement today that Rogers needs to reveal how much money he made while working for AT&T, asking what he’s hiding by refusing to disclose the details about his work for the company.
  • “Why did you sell out our national security to China? What’s your response to Republicans calling you out for ‘using political influence to personally profit from partnerships with the Chinese Communist government against the interests of our country?'” with the last phrase being a comment from U.S. Senate candidate Sandy PENSLER.

Coalition to Rescue Michigan: Tell President Trump: Reconsider & Rescind Endorsement of Deep State Mike Rogers

Washington Examiner“Still, many in Trump’s orbit think Rogers would lose the general election… ‘Pretty much everyone thinks it’s the worst endorsement he’s made this cycle.’”

The Gander: Republican Senate candidates vow to take away health insurance from 1.3 million Michiganders

  • Three Republican candidates running for a chance to represent Michigan in the US Senate have each voiced support for repealing the Affordable Care Act, a move which would lead to millions of Michiganders being denied care or potentially losing coverage altogether.
  • Former Republican US Rep. Mike Rogers—who spent most of his career trying to rip away reproductive rights—announced his Senate campaign in September. 
  • During his time in Congress, Rogers voted against the passage of the Affordable Care Act. And in 2012, he vowed to “redouble” efforts to elect more Republicans who also wanted to gut the legislation which, at the time, he labeled as a “disastrous law.”
  • Meijer has also said he opposes abortion rights—even in cases of rape—and that he supports federal legislation to ban or restrict abortion. But that’s not the only healthcare he’s against.
  • …Meijer has vowed to support the former president’s renewed efforts to repeal the Affordable Care Act, if elected. In 2020, he signed a pledge to do just that.
  • And just like Rogers, Pensler has also labeled the Affordable Care Act as a “disaster” and made it clear that he wouldn’t think twice about repealing the law if he was elected to Congress.

CNN“Amash opposes the Affordable Care Act and has supported efforts to repeal it… Amash expressed disappointment with the legislation, saying it was ‘not the bill we promised the American people’ because it did not fully repeal the Affordable Care Act.”

Michigan Democratic Party: REMINDER: Mike Rogers Has an Extensive Anti-Abortion Record


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