RELEASE: Senate Showdown: “Unprincipled” Rogers is “Unfit to Serve” and a “Threat” to “All Americans” with His “Transactional Approach to Politics”

LANSING — Has anyone seen Mike Rogers’ “principledness,” his ability to “serve,” or any answer on his record co-sponsoring four anti-IVF bills? No one seems to be able to find them. If found, feel free to reach out to Rogers at… *checks notes* well he doesn’t have a home in Michigan right now, so we’re not exactly sure where you should reach out to. 

Here’s the latest on the “combative” GOP Senate Showdown:

See for yourself: 

Detroit Free Press [EDITORIAL]: Michigan GOP voters: …[Do] not [choose] Mike Rogers in Aug. 6 primary 

  • But Rogers’ transactional approach to politics, his ideological inconsistency and obeisance to former President Donald Trump render him a poor fit for this Senate seat. 
  • But Rogers performed an abrupt about face earlier this year, granting his imprimatur to the former president after Trump’s efforts to discredit or overturn the results of the 2020 election, a maneuver contingent on disqualifying votes in the state of Michigan, specifically, the city of Detroit; after Trump’s diligent and continual efforts undermined confidence in the American electoral system; after the attempted Jan. 6 insurrection — hardly a profile in courage, and squandering whatever bipartisan bona fides he once claimed,
  • That alone would render Rogers unfit to serve.   
  • That’s not as compelling a direction as the congressman believes, because his plans for the future aren’t particularly well-considered.    
  • In short, we detected little consistency among Rogers’ political positions — but had no trouble concluding that the former congressman has learned all too well how to read the political room, a transactional approach to ideology… 
  • But in a U.S. Senator, we’re looking for principles.   

Politico: SANDY PENSLER’s Michigan Senate campaign is going up with a seven-figure ad buy knocking former Rep. MIKE ROGERS… The Pensler campaign has made… a recurring point in its attacks against Rogers, centering another ad last month on claims about the attack that were disputed by Rogers.”

Michigan Democratic Party: New Polling Shows “Combative” GOP Primary Has Left Mike Rogers Damaged 

MIRS: Pensler Internal Showing Him Doing Much Better

  • An internal poll conducted by Decider Strategies, owned by Pensler consultant Stu SANDLER, shows that his campaign’s ads against Rogers are working. The May 25-26 poll of 464 likely Republican Michigan primary voters shows Rogers at 20%, Pensler at 13%, Amash at 7% and O’Donnell at 3%. The 57% majority of voters are still undecided.

Your American Heritage: Pensler: “Mike Rogers says, “Oh, I’m from Michigan,” but he just moved up from Florida. ‘I’m against China,’ but he took millions from Chinese telecoms. Oh, it’s the same lack of principledness.”

Scott Sands Show: Rogers: “…Listen, they have gotten it wrong, the Detroit Free Press, obviously a left-leaning paper. Have never gotten one of these right in the last, I don’t know, 30 years…”

Michigan Democratic Party: REMINDER: Rogers and Amash Co-Sponsored Bills That Would Have Restricted IVF Access


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