NEW: Mike Rogers “Spews Anti-China Rhetoric Despite Working to Expand Chinese Companies and Personal Wealth” [Heartland Signal]

Rogers “personally benefited from his connections to China in opposition to U.S. national security interests

LANSING — New reporting from Heartland Signal finds that Mike Rogers “personally benefited from his connections to China in opposition to U.S. national security interests.” Rogers “has a long record of helping expand the reach of Chinese companies in the U.S. and Europe.” 

Key points from the article

  • “Michigan Republican Senate candidate Mike Rogers’ campaign website is filled with tough on China rhetoric, even though he has a long record of helping expand the reach of Chinese companies in the U.S. and Europe.”
  • “In direct contrast to these words, Rogers opposed trade restrictions on China during his 14 years in Congress from 2001-2015. In 2005, Rogers did not cosponsor a bill to withdraw permanent normal trade relations with China, despite several House Republicans doing so.”
  • “Rogers has also personally benefited from his connections to China in opposition to U.S. national security interests.”
  • According to Rogers’ own financial disclosures from December, he worked as a risk analyst for the American branch of the European technology company Nokia for the last seven years, earning hundreds of thousands of dollars. During Rogers’ tenure with Nokia, the company has conducted extensive business deals with Chinese tech companies like Huawei.”
  • “Since 2018, the U.S. has sanctioned Huawei and prohibited the government from using the company’s products over national security concerns […] At the same time, Nokia was strengthening its connections with Huawei, with a licensing deal in December 2022 and another one with a Huawei subsidiary called Honor in 2024. According to Rogers’ financial disclosures, he did not leave Nokia after these deals were closed and still gets paid as a risk analyst to this day.” 


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