Michigan Dems Celebrate Proposed Bill to Lower Prescription Costs for Michiganders

The proposal to create a nonpartisan Prescription Drug Affordability Board would tackle costs and hold bad actors accountable

LANSING — Today, Michigan Democrats in the state Senate introduced legislation that will take on the sky-high prescription drug costs that are burdening families and draining the pockets of Michigan’s middle class. Democrats proposed a nonpartisan Prescription Drug Affordability Board, made up of experts, to set limits on the amount Big Pharma is able to charge Michigan residents for prescriptions and find the best solutions to lower drug prices for all Michiganders.

“Democrats are fighting to ensure that no one has to choose between being able to afford life-saving medications and putting food on the table,” said Chair of the Michigan Democratic Party Lavora Barnes. “Republicans now have an opportunity to put their money where their mouth is and get behind this proposal to lower costs for Michiganders. No matter what, easing the burden on the middle class here in Michigan is our top priority, and we are so proud that Democrats are working to deliver a fairer, more affordable Michigan.”

Simply put, prescription drug affordability is an access issue. If this legislation is passed, the new board would be made up of leaders in economics, health care, and supply chains, as well as relevant academic scholars, and use evidence-based research to tackle the cost of prescription drugs. In addition to assessing the affordability of medicines and intervening to lower costs when affordability challenges are identified, the Board would bring more transparency, encourage research and development to find new treatments, and hold bad actors accountable.

Any Republican planning on voting against this or any other necessary legislation to lower health care costs will have to explain to their constituents why they voted on the side of Big Pharma, and against putting money back in the pockets of their communities.


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