LANSING—If Michigan House Speaker Lee Chatfield is serious about the integrity of our state Legislature, he must immediately begin the process to expel Rep. Larry Inman, who faces federal charges of bribery and extortion, the Michigan Democratic Party said today.
House Republicans voted yesterday to expel Inman from their caucus. The move comes after Chatfield, Reps. Jason Wentworth (Speaker Pro Tempore), Triston Cole (Republican Floor Leader), and Jason Sheppard called on Inman to resign. As of Wednesday, Inman still refused to comply with calls for his resignation.
“The working people and families of Rep. Larry Inman’s district deserve real accountability and a voice that speaks for them, not more political games or window-dressing from Republican leadership that wants to preserve their power rather than restore integrity to our Legislature,” said MDP Chair Lavora Barnes. “The fact remains that a legislator facing serious federal charges remains in office, collecting a generous taxpayer-funded salary while having lost all trust and credibility with both the public and his colleagues. The only solution to this scandal starts with Speaker Chatfield immediately beginning the expulsion process so the rest of our state legislators can get back to work on behalf of Michigan families without the cloud of scandal hanging over the people’s House.”
Inman faces federal charges of bribery, attempted extortion and lying to federal investigators for seeking bribes in exchange for his vote on a piece of legislation in 2018. In text messages, Inman asked for thousands of dollars in campaign donations in exchange for his vote on prevailing wage.
