Jezebel: “No matter how Rogers tries to spin his abortion position, the receipts exist in abundance.”
LANSING — Jezebel has reported that “[Mike] Rogers’ record” on abortion speaks for itself, with “receipts [that] exist in abundance.” Rogers voted for a “national abortion ban,” and “he backed an initiative known as the ‘Human Life Amendment,’ which would ban abortion from the moment of conception and enshrine fetal personhood in the Constitution.”
Jezebel notes that it’s important to “evaluate candidates’ records and actions—not their word salads.” Rogers has an extensive record of supporting dangerous abortion bans. Rogers “supported a national abortion ban” and he “consistently voted” for abortion bans, and he co-sponsored four bills that “could restrict or effectively ban IVF.”
Rogers twice “co-sponsored legislation to withdraw federal approval of the abortion-inducing medication Mifepristone.” Rogers celebrated the Dobbs decision that overturned Roe v. Wade.
If Rogers had “lived in Michigan instead of Florida” in 2022, he said he would have voted against Proposal 3. Rogers explained his opposition by saying he’s “‘a pro-life guy, I’ve voted pro-life, and I don’t walk away from that.’”
See for yourself:
Jezebel: Ranking the Closest Senate Races by How Batshit the GOP Candidate Is
- Republicans have spent this election cycle posturing as moderates on abortion, and former Rep. Rogers is no exception, as he runs against Rep. Slotkin (D) for Michigan’s open U.S. Senate seat.
- In June, Rogers said on a local radio station that abortion is a “settled matter” in Michigan, which voted to codify a right to abortion in the state Constitution in 2022. In May, he said he was “not going back to Washington, D.C. to undo what the people of Michigan decided to do.”
- But I’d rather listen to Rogers’ record than his lies: In 2000, Rogers completed a candidate questionnaire for the Michigan Catholic Conference in which he backed an initiative known as the “Human Life Amendment,” which would ban abortion from the moment of conception and enshrine fetal personhood in the Constitution. Earlier this year, Rogers said he’d vote against a national abortion ban and wouldn’t threaten Michigan’s constitutional abortion right. But in 2013, Rogers voted for a 20-week national abortion ban, which is still very much a national ban, whether he calls it one or not.
- If you take one thing away from this dumpster fire of an election season, please let it be to evaluate candidates’ records and actions—not their word salads.
- Rating: I give this race
and a
, because no matter how Rogers tries to spin his abortion position, the receipts exist in abundance.
See also: Jezebel: Michigan Republican in Tight Senate Race Says He’d Respect Abortion Rights. His Record Suggests Otherwise, Bridge Michigan: On abortion, some Michigan candidate claims conflict with records, Michigan Independent: Mike Rogers wants voters to forget his record of backing abortion bans, The Gander: Mike Rogers tries to distance Senate campaign from his anti-abortion record, CNN: Republican candidates downplay past anti-abortion stances ahead of 2024 election, The Gander: Republican Senate candidates face backlash over anti-abortion records in Michigan, Business Insider: GOP politicians are saying they’ve always cared about IVF. Bills they’ve supported indicate otherwise, Michigan Advance: Republicans have put the rights of a fertilized egg over the rights of the woman,’ Michigan Independent: Mike Rogers’ support for ‘fetal personhood’ could threaten access to IVF and contraception.