ICYMI: Pete Buttigieg Stumps for Biden-Harris in Grand Rapids and Lansing, Three Weeks Before Primary

Yesterday, across the state, Buttigieg took part in a phonebank, met constituents and union workers, and emphasized the importance of getting out the vote for Biden ahead of the presidential primary 

LANSING — In case you missed it, yesterday, Pete Buttigieg visited Grand Rapids and Lansing to energize voters for the February 27th primary and uplift the Biden-Harris administration’s record of creating jobs and fighting for union workers. 

Buttigieg started the day at a phone bank at the Kent County Democratic Party Office and spoke about the vital role Michigan will play in sending President Biden and Vice President Harris back to the White House. He then stopped by That Early Bird, a local small business, to chat with voters and members of the community. 

His final stop was to the UA Local 333 Plumbers and Pipefitters office in Lansing, where he hosted a roundtable discussion with Lieutenant Governor Garlin Gilchrist and Michigan workers to highlight how Democrats are delivering for both workers and unions at a historic level while Republicans continue to leave them behind. 

Everywhere he went yesterday, Buttigieg underscored the stakes of the coming election and the impact it will have on Michiganders’ lives.

Check out some of the coverage and reactions from the events below:

WWMT: Buttigieg rallies Michigan Democrats ahead of early primary voting

WILX: Pete Buttigieg visits Lansing ahead of Michigan’s primary election

WZZM: Pete Buttigieg stumps for Biden in Grand Rapids

WNEM: Buttigieg Meets With Union Members in Michigan

WPBN: Buttigieg Campaigns in Michigan for President Biden

WLNS: Buttigieg Visits Lansing

WDIV: Pete Buttigieg Tours State Ahead of Primary

WLAJ: Buttigieg and Gilchrist to Campaign for Biden

Michigan Advance: Buttigieg emphasizes importance of Michigan’s early primary importance during labor roundtable

  • Buttigieg said Biden is committed to continuing to campaign for the Democratic nomination “even if commentators say it’s a done deal,” in part to show that “we really recognize and take seriously Michigan’s role as an early primary state…”
  • “You can use it to work out all the kinks in the organizing apparatus,” Gilchrist said. “Make no mistake about it, come November, we have to have all hands on deck. We can start doing it this month, we can have another go at it in August, because come November, everything needs to be firing on all cylinders.”

Detroit News: PHOTOS – U.S. Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg meets with UA Local 333 in Lansing

Crain’s Grand Rapids Business reporter Kate Carlson

Detroit News’ Craig Mauger

Bridge Michigan’s Jonathan Oosting

And, the most important news from yesterday’s visit:


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