ICYMI: Mike Rogers Refuses to Protect IVF in the Senate, Won’t Answer for Past Anti-IVF Votes

Detroit News: “Asked about How the Fetal Personhood Bills He Sponsored in Congress Squared with His Support for IVF, Rogers Refused to Discuss the Legislation”

LANSING — Mike Rogers refused to commit to supporting legislation to protect IVF. Rogers also refused to answer questions about the four anti-IVF bills that he co-sponsored in Congress. 

Here’s what you need to know about Rogers’ extensive anti-choice record: 

  • Rogers refuses to commit to supporting legislation to protect IVF at the federal level. 
  • Cindy Hyde-Smith, who blocked the Senate bill to protect IVF access, donated $5,000 to Rogers’ campaign.

Read more on Rogers’ dangerous opposition to IVF: 

Detroit News“[Rogers] did not commit to supporting legislation to protect [IVF] at the federal level… Asked about how the fetal personhood bills he sponsored in Congress squared with his support for IVF, Rogers refused to discuss the legislation.”

Michigan Advance: ‘Republicans have put the rights of a fertilized egg over the rights of the woman’ 

  • The U.S. Senate debate crystallized how statements by GOP legislators about IVF and what they are willing to do to keep it available are often in conflict.
  • But because Rogers is one of only three who has already served in Congress, he has a voting record that can be compared to his statement.
  • And that is exactly what many X users did, prompting a Community Note on the post.
  • “In his 14 years in Congress Mike Rogers sponsored 4 bills that would have the same effect as the Alabama Supreme Court’s IVF ruling,” stated the note, which then linked to each of those four bills from 2005, 2007, 2009, and 2013, each of which would provide legal personhood from the moment of conception.

Washington Post“Rogers… had previously co-sponsored four bills in Congress ‘that would have the same effect as the Alabama Supreme Court’s IVF ruling.’”

NBC: “Former Rep. Mike Rogers, who is running for Senate in Michigan and co-sponsored a series of measures attempting to define human life as beginning at the moment of fertilization.”

NBC: “[Fetal personhood laws]… could restrict or effectively ban IVF.”

Business Insider: GOP politicians are saying they’ve always cared about IVF. Bills they’ve supported indicate otherwise.

  • Rogers has co-sponsored four bills with similar language to the House bill while in Congress.
  • A spokesperson for Rogers…  did not answer follow-up questions about whether the Senate candidate would support efforts to protect IVF should he be elected.

The Gander: Mike Rogers tries to distance Senate campaign from past attempts to ban IVF 

  • Beyond IVF, Rogers has also made clear that he opposes abortion rights in Michigan—including voicing support for a near-total abortion ban and the decision to overturn Roe v. Wade. Rogers also told the Daily Mining Gazette that he wants to ban all federal funding for abortion care. 
  • And had he lived in Michigan instead of Florida in 2022, Rogers has also told reporters that he would’ve voted against Proposal 3 to cement the right to reproductive freedom—including abortion care—into the state Constitution, which passed with about 56% of the vote. 


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