ICYMI: MAGA MIGOP Chaos Continues to Make Headlines Over Full Party Meltdown

MAGA MIGOP highlighted yet again as prime example of a party mired in dysfunction by extremist agenda

LANSING — In case you missed it, yesterday, ProPublica dropped a deep-dive story laying out exactly how chaotic and fractured the MIGOP has become as right-wing conspiracy theorists in the party threaten the foundation of our very democracy. 

Again and again, the MAGA MIGOP has made headlines for their complete dysfunction — they have no ground game to speak of, they are badly out of touch with Michiganders, and they can barely hold a delegate convention without spiraling out of control only months before the general election. 

This once-respected party is now considered a “national punchline.” The exposé by ProPublica’s Andy Kroll provides a clear picture of a MIGOP that is entirely consumed by MAGA extremism, lacks any semblance of campaign infrastructure, and only makes headlines for the havoc they wreak in Michigan. 

Our big takeaway — this party cannot even handle its own internal chaos as they continue to alienate Michiganders, how could they manage business in the halls of power in Michigan? 

The short answer — they cannot.

Find more of the highlights from ProPublica’s deep dive into MAGA MIGOP’s chaos below:

ProPublica: Scenes From a MAGA Meltdown: Inside the “America First” Movement’s War Over Democracy

  • What divides the Republican Party of 2024 is not any one policy or ideology. It is not whether to support Donald Trump. The most important fault line in the party now is democracy itself…
  • This phenomenon is evident across the country…But it’s perhaps the starkest in Michigan…
  • Several years ago…thousands of political newcomers, whose sole qualification appeared to be fervor of belief, declared war on the Republican establishment that had been so dominant.
  • Calling themselves the “America First” movement, these unknowns treated the DeVoses and other party leaders as the enemy… the new “America First” activists disparaged prominent Michigan Republicans as “globalist” elites who belonged to a corrupt “uniparty” cabal… 
  • Over the opposition of Weiser and other longtime party operatives, the “America First” contingent nominated two election deniers for attorney general and secretary of state…
  • Karamo’s plan to “secure” elections had two objectives: Not only did she and her team hope to catch future cheating by the Democrats, but they sought revenge against the Republican establishment…
  • The aim of this proposal, said Joel Studebaker, who was Karamo’s chief of staff, was to break up the “corruption club” that had ruled Michigan Republican politics for far too long… The irony, critics pointed out, was that Karamo’s proposal would disenfranchise far more people than it empowered…
  • By the time Trump walked onstage in Waterford Township, Michigan, in mid-February with his red hat pulled low, the Michigan Republican Party was a national punchline…
  • The Trump campaign seemed to recognize that the longer Karamo remained in charge, the weaker the state party was and the less chance he had to win Michigan… Still, some of Trump’s most ardent supporters saw his support for Hoekstra as a betrayal…
  • Beyer hadn’t given up on Trump. He still “loved” the man, he said, but he wasn’t taking direction from Trump…In one of our last conversations, he laid out a more religious, more uncompromising version of the “America First” movement. 
  • If the Republican establishment …fought him and his compatriots, Beyer stood ready. “They’re not after Trump. They’re not after Kristina,” he told me. “They’re after me. They’re after everybody like me. That’s what this is all about.”


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