ICYMI: “Bruising” and “Combustible” GOP Senate Primary Becomes “More Combative” as Candidates “Keep Fighting” and “Fierce TV War” Heats Up

GOP Senate primary is a “bruising affair” that is “becoming more combative,” as “fierce TV war” “heats up

LANSING — The Michigan GOP Senate primary is a “messy clash” that is “becoming more combative.” While “Republicans were hoping to avoid a potentially costly and combustible primary,” the race is turning into a “bruising affair” as Pensler pours “big bucks into a major statewide ad blitz that takes aim at” Rogers. As the candidates “keep fighting,” their “fierce TV war” will “hamper them heading into the general election.” 

There are more “signs of conservative unrest” in the primary, as “25 of Michigan’s 60 delegates to the Republican National Convention this summer signed a letter urging Trump to reconsider his endorsement of Rogers” in March. 

See for yourself:

Fox News: Republican Senate primary in crucial Michigan race heats up… 

  • The GOP Senate primary in battleground Michigan is becoming more combative as a wealthy investor making his second bid for office is pouring big bucks into a major statewide ad blitz that takes aim at [Mike Rogers]… 
  • And a new campaign commercial from businessman Sandy Pensler, which launches statewide on Monday in Michigan, hits former Rep. Mike Rogers… 
  • The ad, shared first with Fox News on Monday, is the latest from the deep-pocketed entrepreneur who’s self-funding his Senate bid. The spot is part of what Pensler’s campaign says is a seven-figure ad buy on broadcast and cable TV and digital.
  • Besides Rogers and Pensler, the crowded GOP primary field also includes former Rep. Justin Amash.
  • …Republicans were hoping to avoid a potentially costly and combustible primary… 
  • But Pensler is vowing to run ads straight through the Aug. 6 primary.
  • “He’s going to spend a serious amount,” Pensler campaign senior adviser Stu Sandler told Fox News. “We’re just going to keep putting them on the air.”

Cook Political Report: Does a Messy Michigan Republican Primary Await?

  • …The Wolverine State is set to have a crowded GOP contest.
  • There have already been some signs of conservative unrest. In March, 25 of Michigan’s 60 delegates to the Republican National Convention this summer signed a letter urging Trump to reconsider his endorsement of Rogers. “Rogers represents the worst of what the Republican Party stood for prior to the rise of Donald J. Trump, and Rogers becoming the U.S. Senate candidate would be a backslide back toward the days of neoconservatism and globalism,” the resolution reads.
  • Despite only jumping into the race at the end of February, in one month [Amash] managed to raise more than $478,000 — almost half of what Rogers raised in three months.
  • Pensler poses the greatest threat to Rogers based solely on his ability to self-fund. 
  • The next few months will tell whether this is a… messy clash between three Republicans, possibly hampering them heading into the general election.

Politico: New ad buy reveals Senate Republicans’ Michigan problem

  • The Michigan Senate race is becoming more of a headache than Republicans had hoped.
  • It’s turning into an expensive contest anyway.
  • And a fierce TV war will disadvantage Republicans… 
  • Now he’s back — a sign [Pensler will] stay in, and keep fighting, to the chagrin of the Republicans who had hoped for a quiet primary.


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