ICYMI: “Bloodbath” GOP Primary In Full Swing as Rogers Faces Heat

LANSING — Candidates are at each other’s throats in this GOP Senate primary “bloodbath.” In case you missed it, Sandy Pensler launched an ad attacking Mike Rogers for his “complete lack of principles” following his endorsement of Donald Trump.

Last week, Rogers endorsed Trump after he faced criticism in the crowded GOP primary for making “his career around bashing President Trump.” Rogers’ endorsement comes after he refused to endorse Trump in the 2016 or 2020 elections.

Here’s what Republicans are saying about Mike Rogers’ endorsement of Donald Trump:

See for yourself:

Paul W. Smith Show: Nolan Finley: “I just hate to see him [Rogers], you know, folding on this issue and following the pack.”

Paul W. Smith Show: Nolan Finley: “You know, you read the column and you’ll see, you know, he’s now saying, ‘well, now, you know, there’s always election anomalies and we’ve got to protect ourselves from Democratic shenanigans.’ And, I just think it’s, it’s really unfortunate that folks feel compelled, in order to win a primary, to, you know, to have to cast doubt on the integrity of our election system.” … Paul W. Smith: “Well, he does say in your column among what you just summarized, he did say very specifically, ‘Do I think there are going to be attempts to cheat? I do.’”

Detroit Free Press: Mike Rogers, running for Michigan’s open US Senate seat, endorses Trump for president

  • “Mike Rogers is desperately trying to hide his previous criticism as he cozies up to Trump and embraces dangerous election conspiracy theories,” Michigan Democratic Party Chair Lavora Barnes said in reference to the endorsement and comments Rogers made to the Detroit News about election “shenanigans.” “Rogers has made clear that he is too extreme for Michigan as he caves to political pressure to help himself get ahead,” she said.
  • Pensler posted on X Tuesday that Rogers had regularly criticized Trump and previously had maintained the former president would not be the Republican nominee this year. Rogers, when exploring a possible run for the presidency himself last year, told the Daily Beast website voters he had talked to were “looking for new leadership.”
  • Craig also posted on X criticizing Rogers, saying, “These career politicians will do anything and say anything to get power.”


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