ICYMI: After Trying to Distract From Her Anti-Abortion Extremism, Desperate Dixon Was Reined in By Right to Life Michigan

Amid her best efforts to rip away Michiganders’ rights and enforce a dangerous abortion ban, anti-choice extremist Tudor Dixon “caused some confusion” by encouraging voters to back a ballot proposal to codify a right to abortion and also vote for her. The move was so uncomfortable that Right to Life Michigan, one of the many extreme special interests bankrolling her campaign, had to publicly clarify that Dixon is a staunch supporter of a near-total ban on abortion.

Michigan reporters were swift to call out DeVos sellout Dixon’s transparent attempt to confuse Michiganders on her wrong-for-Michigan agenda. Their facts were met with a measured, perfectly hinged response.

Dixon has also spent the last few days arguing that abortion isn’t “the top issue of the 2022 gubernatorial campaign” and begged reporters to “stop reporting on it like it is” during an appearance this week’s MIRS Monday. Despite the fact that the 1931 ban is not currently being enforced because of Governor Whitmer’s actions, and the fact that governors sign and veto bills, Dixon has also made the puzzling claim that governors have no role in whether or not abortion is legal. 

Right to Life Michigan told Gongwer yesterday that they expect “endorsed candidates to be resolute in the defense” of policies that doesn’t even hesitate to force pregnancy on children and makes no exception for rape or incest.

As Right to Life confirmed, this is where Dixon has been her entire campaign. She unequivocally supports a disastrous abortion ban from 1931 that criminalizes abortion, makes felons out of reproductive health care providers and provides no exceptions for rape or incest. Reinforcing her extremism that also disregards the health of the mother, she’s also said that child sexual assualt victims should not have access to abortion because there’s “healing through that baby.” 

MDP spokesperson Rodericka Applewhaite issued the following statement:

“The last thing Tudor Dixon wants to talk about is abortion because she knows her stance is too extreme for Michigan. Dixon’s vision of Michigan is callous to the core and would see children forced to give birth after being assaulted, healthcare providers jailed, and no exceptions to abortion made for rape, incest, or the health of the mother. Michigan women and families deserve a leader like Governor Whitmer who has repeatedly proven her commitment to protecting reproductive rights.”