FACT CHECK: Governor Whitmer Is Improving Education and Empowering Students, Parents, and Educators

The Republican gubernatorial candidates are launching baseless attacks against Governor Whitmer to distract from their dangerous plans to gut funding for public schools. 

Governor Whitmer is focused on improving education in Michigan and empowering educators and parents with the tools they need to help students thrive. Whitmer made the largest investment in K-12 education in Michigan history, without raising taxes, and she has tripled the number of literacy coaches, closed the funding gap between schools, and ​helped reduce class sizes to give students individualized attention. 

Governor Whitmer Worked with Republicans to Get Kids Safely Back to School and Urged School Districts to Return to In-Person Learning

  • Thanks to Governor Whitmer’s leadership, every school district in Michigan has returned to in-person learning. 
  • In 2020, Governor Whitmer secured the bipartisan “Return to Learn” plan that encouraged schools to move to in-person learning and provided them with the $580 million in resources to help schools safely bring students back into classrooms, including $73 million in hazard pay for teachers and staff
  • Whitmer signed a bipartisan supplemental funding bill in February that included $150 million for testing in schools, “deliver[ing] on Democrats’ and Republicans’ shared goals of keeping students learning in school.” 

Governor Whitmer Has Repeatedly Affirmed Parents’ Right To Be Involved in Their Children’s Education

  • As a parent of two kids who went to Michigan public schools, Governor Whitmer knows how important it is that parents have a say in their children’s education. 

Governor Whitmer Made the Largest Investment in K-12 Education in Michigan History Without Raising Taxes

Governor Whitmer Expanded Affordable Early Childhood Education to Tens of Thousands of Children

Governor Whitmer Is Expanding Access to Skills Training and Higher Education

Governor Whitmer is pushing to boost funding for universities and community colleges by 5 percent, with an additional 5 percent boost in one-time funding.

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