Stabenow Statement on John James’ Refusal to Take Position on SCOTUS Vacancy

In case you missed it, U.S. Senator Debbie Stabenow released the following statement calling on failed politician and failed businessman John James to answer whether or not he supports Mitch McConnell ramming through a Supreme Court nomination just weeks before the presidential election. Throughout his campaign, James has refused to answer basic questions – but as Michiganders start voting tomorrow, James must be honest on whether they deserve to have their voices heard. Read more below:

Stabenow Statement on John James’ Refusal to Take Position on SCOTUS Vacancy

East Lansing, MI — U.S. Senator Debbie Stabenow released the following statement on John James’ refusal to take a position on whether Leader McConnell should ram a Supreme Court nominee through the Senate right before an election. As someone who wants to represent Michigan in the U.S. Senate, James has the responsibility to make it clear whether he will respect and honor the right of Michigan voters to decide who should be appointing the next Supreme Court justice: 

“There is no ‘maybe button’ in the United States Senate–you either have to vote yes or no. Once again, John James is trying to have it both ways and hide his real position from Michigan voters. This is a pivotal time for our country with health care for millions of Michiganders at stake. Michigan voters begin casting their ballots tomorrow. They deserve to know if John James is ‘2000%’ behind Trump and Mitch McConnell or if he will honor the legacy of Ruth Bader Ginsburg and let Michigan voters decide the future direction of our country.”


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