A Pattern

On Friday March 27, Michigan had close to 3,000 confirmed cases and over 60 deaths attributed to the COVID-19 virus. By Monday March 30, Michigan now has 5391 confirmed cases and 132 deaths. While Mr. Trump dithered, invented a childish nickname for our Governor and complained she wasn’t respectful enough, Michigan suffered over a 100% increase in deaths.

A few short weeks ago Mr. Trump was quoted widely as saying the Coronavirus was nothing more than a political hoax. On Sunday March 29 in the Rose Garden, while complimenting himself on his television ratings, he stated that 100,000 or more deaths of American citizens would now be an acceptable number. White House Coronavirus response coordinator Dr. Deborah Birx projects 100,000 to 200,000 American deaths as a best case scenario. This number could easily go several magnitudes higher.

Talking with Sean Hannity on Fox News last week, Mr. Trump had said that federal aid will only flow to states that “treat us well. It’s a two-way street”. By “us” he always means himself and only himself. Meanwhile the death toll increases, medical supplies are still short and he has accused our medical first responders of misusing or hoarding equipment for their own benefit. All of it designed to deflect from his own failure to act.

I for one applaud all the multiple proactive steps taken by Governor Whitmer to rein in this pandemic. During this crisis, care and concern for all Americans is the only two-way street that actually matters.


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