RELEASE: Michigan Dems, OB-GYN, and Repro Rights Leader Sound Alarm on Michigan Republican Senate Candidates’ Extensive Anti-Abortion Records

Following the second anniversary of Dobbs ruling, Rep. Penelope Tsernoglou, an OB-GYN, and a reproductive rights leader highlighted the GOP Senate candidates’ dangerous anti-abortion records

LANSING — Today, state Rep. Penelope Tsernoglou, Lansing OB-GYN Dr. Matthew Allswede, and Reproductive Freedom for All Director of Michigan Campaigns Shanay Watson-Whittaker spoke out against the Michigan Republican Senate candidates’ extensive anti-abortion records and the need to protect reproductive rights at a press conference in Lansing.

This week marks the two-year anniversary of the Supreme Court overturning Roe v. Wade, and Mike Rogers, Sandy Pensler, and Justin Amash celebrated the Dobbs decision that ripped women’s rights to make their own personal medical decisions away from them. The Michigan GOP Senate candidates all support dangerous abortion bans and put women’s rights at risk.

“As someone who became a mother through IVF, I know firsthand the importance of reproductive freedom for every person in Michigan, and across the country. We must continue to fight for reproductive freedom for every individual, and put a stop to extremists looking to restrict families’ access to reproductive health care,” said state Representative Penelope Tsernoglou.

“Here in Michigan, we have fought to ensure reproductive freedom and abortion access is protected and realized crucial victories—but anti-abortion Republicans want to roll back our progress. If they have their way, they’ll pass a national abortion ban. That’s exactly the future that Mike Rogers wants for Michigan and our country. It’s on all of us to do our part to protect abortion rights and access. We must mobilize to elect candidates who will fight to protect reproductive freedom by restoring the federal right to abortion and expanding access,” said Shanay Whittaker, Director of Michigan Campaigns at Reproductive Freedom for All.

“Women need to be able to make the best choices for their unique medical conditions, their families and their values, without government interference. We can’t have a senator who will deny women the right to make their own medical decisions,” said Dr. Matthew Allswede, retired Lansing OB-GYN. 


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