STATEMENT: Michigan Dems Chair Condemns Trump and Vance’s Extremist Grand Rapids Campaign Visit

LANSING — Ahead of Trump and JD Vance’s visit to Grand Rapids today to fearmonger and push their radical agenda, Chair of the Michigan Democratic Party Lavora Barnes released the following statement:

“After spending the week being anointed by the cult of MAGA Republicans and championing a dangerous Project 2025 agenda, Donald Trump and his disciple JD Vance are now coming to Michigan to continue their lies. Make no mistake, Trump, alongside his top lieutenant, will spread fear and make promises he never intends to keep – just like he has always done here in Michigan. 

“Let me be clear: Donald Trump and JD Vance aren’t wanted here. Their MAGA agenda and cadre of extremists are wildly out of line with our families and our values, and their policies will make life worse for Michiganders as they cut taxes for the wealthy and leave our middle class out to dry. No matter what lies he spouts, I know that Michiganders will once again reject Trump and his extremist agenda this November.”


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