Senate Showdown: New Polling Shows How Brutal Infighting Hurt Mike Rogers

LANSING — The “nasty” GOP Senate Showdown is getting even “more complicated” as Mike Rogers, Justin Amash, and Sandy Pensler “repeatedly blast” each other. 

Shot: Last month, conservative Detroit News assistant editorial page editor Kaitlyn Buss suggested the infighting may be “enough of a bump to set everyone back.” 

Chaser: This week, a new Public Policy Polling (PPP) poll shows that Rogers’ favorability among Republicans is down nearly 30 points following Pensler’s “major statewide ad blitz” attacking Rogers and the “combustible” infighting in the primary. 

Here’s the latest on the “bruising affair” of a primary:

  • With just over two months until the primary election, Republicans are facing a disastrous Senate primary. This week, the Michigan Democratic Party put out a memo highlighting how Republicans’ “combative” clashes and a weak field of candidates will cause them problems in a general election.

See for yourself: 

New York Times“Former Representative Mike Rogers of Michigan… cosponsored multiple anti-abortion measures in the House, including bills granting constitutional rights to zygotes at conception.”

Michigan Democratic Party: New Polling Shows “Combative” GOP Primary Has Left Mike Rogers Damaged 

MIRS“If Republican voters are told U.S. Senate candidate Mike ROGERS is a Harvard-trained, FBI operative and CNN commentator who has “enriched himself” with Chinese company partnerships and covered up the Benghazi investigation with Hillary CLINTON, he loses to primary opponent Sandy PENSLER only if the race is a one-on-one race. That’s the takeaway of a May 22-23 Public Policy Polling survey of 486 Michigan Republican voters commissioned by the Voter Protection Project, a pro-Democratic advocacy group… The voters were then told, “Mike Rogers took a hard stance against China while in Congress, but since then he’s enriched himself by partnering with companies who do business with China.” A total of 46% were very concerned by this charge, while another 32 percent were “somewhat concerned.””

Michigan Democratic Party: MEMO | With Just Over Two Months Until Primary, Republicans Face Disaster with “Combative” Clashes and Weak Candidates


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