RELEASE – Senate Showdown: Republicans Slam “Despicable” Rogers Who is “The Worst Person in Politics”

LANSING — The Michigan GOP Senate Showdown is a “bruising affair” as Mike Rogers, Justin Amash, and Sandy Pensler continue to “jump at the chance… to bash” each other. Amash named Rogers as “the worst establishment candidate that you could ever imagine.”

Here’s the latest on the “jumbled” and “unruly” primary that could “fracture the vote:” 

  • Pensler attacked Rogers’ record, touting website that he created. 

See for yourself: 

Cook Political Report: “[Rogers] still must beat back a self-funder in Sandy Pensler who’s already attacking him… And, Rogers’ fundraising hasn’t been all that impressive.” 

Twitter Space: Amash: “So Mike Rogers is basically the worst establishment candidate that you could ever imagine. Like, if you were to imagine the worst person in politics, it’s this guy.”

Twitter Space: Amash: “He’s not good on any of the policies that most Trump supporters would care about. He doesn’t have much support at all in the state in terms of his own candidacy… he has no support for himself. And to me, that is a huge liability for him in the August primary. I don’t think it’s going to amount to votes for him.” 

Michigan’s Big Show: Pensler: “I just think that’s despicable. I’ll use [Roger’s] terms that if that is true, it disqualifies him from holding office.” 

Twitter Space: Amash: “So we served together for four years and he didn’t care one bit about people’s rights. I mean, if you saw someone, you’ve never seen someone so indifferent or actually hostile to individual rights as this guy. We have butted heads so many times. He would always be pushing for the maximum amount of government surveillance, maximum amount of control over your lives.” 

Twitter Space: Amash: “So if you look at our voting records side by side on all the things that you would think Trump supporters especially should care about, surveillance stuff, foreign policy issues, intervention in all these countries around the world, spending issues like all the spending and the debt, any of the issues you can think about that relate to individual liberty and rights and putting America first or liberty first, Mike Rogers has been on the wrong side of it. So if you put our voting records side by side, it’s just, it’s a stark contrast.”

Twitter Space: Congressman Thomas Massie: “So it’s really interesting to see this matchup between Mike Rogers and Justin Amash because you couldn’t have two people who are any different. And I jumped in here just a minute or two ago, but I heard Justin talking about how Trump doesn’t understand or may have made a mistake about Mike Rogers. Oh my god, he made a huge mistake. This is the guy who reauthorized the deep state…”

Michigan Matters: Pensler: “But again, I think the biggest issue is moral. So how do I differentiate myself from others? We have an ad out, it’s a rough ad against one of my competitors, but I think it’s one that needed to be done.”


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