REMINDER: Mike Rogers, Peter Meijer, and Sandy Pensler Want to Gut Social Security

LANSING — On this day in 1940, the first Social Security check was issued. While this vital program has helped so many Michiganders, Mike Rogers, Peter Meijer, and Sandy Pensler have pushed to end Social Security, which would increase health care costs for Michiganders and rip away benefits they worked a lifetime to earn. 

Here’s where candidates in Michigan’s GOP Senate primary stand on gutting Social Security:

See for yourself: 

WMUR Conversation with the Candidate: When asked about Social Security, Rogers answered: “And then we’re going to have to take every option is gonna have to be on the table.” 

WMUR Conversation with the Candidate: Rogers: “We’re just going to have a rethink about what work and what retirement looks like…”

WJR JR Morning: Meijer: “And at the same time, we need to be looking at our entitlements because you can get all of our discretionary spending in line, and we will still be spending far more than we’re taking in because Congress has, you know, just completely ignored trying to make, trying to get to the point where Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid don’t go bankrupt, number one.” 

Oakland County Republican Party Event: Pensler: “Let’s look at our deficit. It’s crazy… But I can see it’s not 34 trillion that we have of debt. We’ve got almost 100 trillion when you throw in retiree medical, Social Security. Like I have to do on my balance sheet and if any of you guys do with your company, it’s 100 trillion. Well, that’s such a big number most people can’t comprehend it.”


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