RELEASE – REMINDER: While Michiganders Set New Record for ACA Enrollment, Rogers, Meijer, and Pensler Vow to Gut Affordable Health Care

LANSING — Michigan Advance has reported that a record number of Michiganders have enrolled into the Affordable Care Act for the coming year. However, Mike Rogers, Peter Meijer, and Sandy Pensler have vowed to repeal the Affordable Care Act which would result in millions of Michiganders being denied care or losing health insurance. 

Here’s where Michigan Senate GOP candidates stand on revoking critical health care access:

  • Sandy Pensler called the Affordable Care Act a “disaster” and said he’d repeal it. 

More than 418,000 Michiganders have signed up for affordable health care coverage during the most recent enrollment period. According to federal estimates, a repeal of Obamacare would mean that “1.3 million Michiganders would lose their insurance and about 1.8 million with pre-existing health conditions could lose critical protections.” 

See for yourself: 

Michigan Advance: Michiganders set new record for Obamacare enrollment amid Medicaid ‘unwinding’

  • Once again, a record number of Michiganders have enrolled into the Affordable Care Act (ACA) for the coming year.
  • According to the latest data from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), more than 418,000 Michigan residents purchased a plan during the most recent enrollment period, topping last year’s record of nearly 322,300 Michigan residents who purchased a plan under the ACA, more popularly known as Obamacare.
  • This year’s enrollees were among 21.3 million consumers nationwide who signed up for the ACA for 2024, nearly 5 million more than in 2023.

Detroit Free Press: During his tenure, Rogers was also a reliably conservative vote… [voting] against the Affordable Care Act.

CBS News Detroit: “Today’s Supreme Court decision makes one thing clear: we must redouble our efforts to change leadership in the U.S. Senate and the White House to undo this burdensome Obama health care tax… “No court can change the facts about this disastrous law…,” Rogers said.

MLive: Meijer has signed a pledge from the conservative group, Campaign for Liberty, that stated he would “support legislation to fully repeal ObamaCare and oppose efforts to give the federal government more control of health care.”

The Gander: Republican Senate candidates vow to take away health insurance from 1.3 million Michiganders

  • And just like Rogers, Pensler has also labeled the Affordable Care Act as a “disaster” and made it clear that he wouldn’t think twice about repealing the law if he was elected to Congress.
  • Repealing the Affordable Care Act would rip away healthcare insurance from nearly 40 million Americans who get coverage through the ACA marketplace or its Medicaid expansion and enable insurance companies to once again deny coverage to those with pre-existing conditions. 
  • In Michigan, about 1.3 million people would lose their insurance and about 1.8 million with pre-existing health conditions could lose critical protections, federal estimates show.


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