RELEASE – Claws Come Out as Mike Rogers Slams Peter Meijer, James Craig, and Sandy Pensler in “Brutal Intraparty Battle”

LANSING — Michigan Republicans are not holding back as they continue to “clash” in the “brutal intraparty battle.” Mike Rogers went on the offense and bashed Peter Meijer, James Craig, and Sandy Pensler. 

Here’s the latest from the “bloodbath” Senate primary:

  • Rogers called Meijer out for getting “schnookered.”
  • Rogers dismissed Pensler’s campaign, saying he is a lot of talk but has never “been in the business.” 

See for yourself:

Michigan Initiative Monthly Meeting: Rogers: “[Meijer] absolutely got schnookered. And why he wants to get promoted is beyond me. He got schnookered.”

Michigan Initiative Monthly Meeting: Rogers: “I don’t think he [Craig] is willing to work.” 

Michigan Initiative Monthly Meeting: Rogers: “I don’t think he’ll [Craig] end up on the ballot honestly.” 

Michigan Initiative Monthly Meeting: Rogers: “But they haven’t been engaged. They haven’t been around. I don’t know. You know, it’s easy to say ‘I’ll be the toughest guy in the Senate, but you’ve never been in the business, right?’ … That’s the guy who said he’s gonna run, Sandy Pensler.”


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