RELEASE – REMINDER: Mike Rogers, Peter Meijer, and Sandy Pensler Supported Trump’s 2017 Tax Giveaway to Large Corporations and the Ultra Wealthy

LANSING — Today marks the anniversary of Trump signing the 2017 tax cuts bill into law. Mike Rogers, Peter Meijer, and Sandy Pensler all supported the Trump tax giveaway which slashed tax rates for large corporations and the ultra-wealthy. 

Here’s where candidates in the Michigan GOP primary stand on the Trump tax cuts bill: 

  • Mike Rogers praised Trump’s tax cuts bill, calling them “core” GOP policies.
  • Peter Meijer backed the bill that cut taxes for the ultra-wealthy like himself. In 2022, he co-sponsored legislation to make those tax cuts permanent. 

Rogers, Meijer, and Pensler are out of touch with Michigan families. The Trump tax cuts bill helped billionaires pay less taxes than the working class in 2018. People with the highest income reaped most of the benefits from the legislation. 

See for yourself:

American Journal News: In March, [Rogers] said on the PBS program “Off the Record” that former President Donald Trump’s deregulatory agenda and his tax cuts were core GOP policies.

Off the Record: Rogers: “The policy that happened on eliminating regulation, tax cuts, those are core, age-old Republican principles, right?”

Michigan Independent: Meijer advocated for Trump’s 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, which slashed tax rates for the richest Americans while raising them for 10 million families. In 2022, he co-sponsored a bill to make those tax cuts permanent.

Detroit News: Pensler applauded the U.S. House for approving a major tax reform plan on Thursday.

Michigan Independent: [Pensler] endorsed the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, which slashed tax rates for very wealthy individuals like himself and for corporations like his own, and called it “a generational opportunity.”


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