ICYMI: Washington Examiner Highlights Republicans “Fighting It Out Like Kids” in Messy Michigan GOP Senate Primary

GOP Consultant: “You have three or four Republicans fighting it out like kids at the little kids table until August.”

LANSING — The Washington Examiner reported today that Michigan Republicans face a “difficult path to victory” in the Senate race as the candidates continue to duke it out in the chaotic and messy primary. 

The story noted that Michigan Republicans are facing an “uphill battle.” As the candidates are “fighting it out like kids at the little kids table until August,” the story also points out Mike Rogers, Peter Meijer, James Craig, and Sandy Pensler’s poor polling and reasons why each of them will struggle in both the primary and general election. 

Read the Washington Examiner’s reporting on the messy and chaotic Michigan GOP primary and the challenges Republicans face:

Washington Examiner: Republicans face difficult path to victory in Michigan Senate race

  • Republicans face an uphill climb to clinch retiring Sen. Debbie Stabenow’s (D-MI) seat next year.
  • …the GOP is far from coalescing around a candidate.
  • Dennis Lennox, a Michigan GOP consultant, told the Washington Examiner in an interview. “Meanwhile, you have three or four Republicans fighting it out like kids at the little kids table until August, when they will be broke because they will have spent all their money winning the primary.”
  • Nearly one year later, the Republican primary is a crowded one, with former Reps. Mike Rogers and Peter Meijer, former Detroit Police Chief James Craig, and businessman Sandy Pensler, who came in second in the state’s 2018 GOP Senate primary, in the race.
  • Where [Rogers] struggles, as do the rest of the GOP candidates, is in general election polling.” 


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