Gov Whitmer Signs Healthy Michigan Bill Package to Lower Costs and Protect Health Care Access

The bipartisan bill package tackles high health care costs without sacrificing access to quality care for over one million Michiganders

LANSING — Today, Governor Whitmer announced that she signed the Healthy Michigan Act into law to improve health care coverage and lower costs for Michiganders. Democrats are committed to lowering prescription drug costs, protecting Michiganders from surprise billing, and extending the Healthy Michigan Plan to more than one million Michiganders.

“Democrats are fighting for working Michiganders at every turn, and this landmark legislation to lower costs and expand health care coverage shows just how committed we are to getting the job done,” says Chair of the Michigan Democratic Party Lavora Barnes. “This extension of the Healthy Michigan Plan, alongside national Democrats’ efforts to successfully lower drug prices, will improve the lives of millions of Michiganders across the state. Lowering health care costs was a key promise on the campaign trail, and now, we are not only delivering but we are just getting started.”

Whether it’s taking on drug companies for sky high prices, capping the price of insulin, or ensuring health care coverage, Democrats across the country are fighting for a brighter future for the American middle class. Here in Michigan, Democrats are ensuring that national agenda is making it home so that all Michiganders have the opportunity to thrive and prosper. 


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