MDP Statement on Five Michigan Republicans  Voting Against Marriage Equality

Yesterday, five Michigan House Republicans voted against the Respect for Marriage Act, which would enshrine marriage equality in federal law, repeal the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), and provide additional protections for marriage equality.

“After the conservative Supreme Court signaled same-sex marriage could be targeted next, it’s not surprising that a majority of Michigan Republicans voted against legislation to protect marriage equality,” said Michigan Democratic Party Chair Lavora Barnes. “While Democrats continue to stand with the LGBTQ community and vote to protect Michiganders’ fundamental rights, the Michigan GOP is telling us to our faces that they will vote against them if given the chance while they push an agenda of homophobia and bigotry. This election matters, whether it’s because our health care is up for grabs or the freedom to marry who we want is on the line—and we have to vote like our rights depend on it. ” 

Yesterday’s vote on the Respect for Marriage Act follows the Supreme Court’s decision to ignore 50 years of precedent to overturn Roe v. Wade and allow states to outlaw abortion, and potentially target other rights, such as the right to same-sex marriage and the right to contraception. Despite these clear threats to Michiganders’ fundamental rights, five Michigan House Republicans and 157 total Republicans in the U.S. House of Representatives voted against legislation to protect marriage equality from conservative judges, just a week after every single Michigan House Republican voted against bills to protect abortion rights and prevent states from penalizing women for travelling across state lines to access health care.

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