BREAKING: Tudor Dixon Calls Incestual Rape of a Child a “Perfect Example” of Her Dangerous Plan to Ban Abortion

Tudor Dixon’s rabid crusade to drag Michigan backwards and ban abortion knows no bounds –  even when it involves a horrific act on a child. 

New footage shared by Heartland Signal shows Dixon describing a 14-year-old child being sexually assaulted by their uncle as a “perfect example” of someone who should be forced to give birth. 

WATCH here and read the full transcript below.

Dixon is a staunch supporter of Michigan’s radical 1931 abortion ban which has been suspended by a temporary court injunction. If fully restored, it would criminalize abortion, make felons out of reproductive health care providers, and provide no exceptions for rape or incest, Dixon has plainly stated that she is against all exceptions to abortion, even in cases or rape and incest, or when the health of the mother is at risk. Referring to the 1931 ban as a “good law,” Dixon has also committed to support any new anti-choice legislation that comes across her desk as governor without regard for rape or incest exceptions. 

And when the U.S. Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, Dixon issued a lengthy statement applauding the outcome and further reinforcing her crusade to ban abortions. She also maintained that pregnancy should be forced on women regardless of if it was the result of an “awful circumstance.” 

No stranger to manufacturing unhinged conspiracy theories, Dixon also recently got caught claiming that Planned Parenthood has employed a “business model” to “introduce sex” to “7th graders” so they can profit off of “plenty of abortions in high school” – a baseless claim which she of course failed to offer any evidence backing it up.

Though her callous and extreme refusal to recognize the importance of maintaining reproductive freedom is shared by every other one of her Republican gubernatorial opponents, anti-choice activists from Right to Life Michigan and Susan B. Anthony List have rewarded Dixon’s stance with their endorsements.

MDP spokesperson Rodericka Applewhaite issued the following statement:

“Tudor Dixon has now gone so far in her radical anti-choice crusade as to say that a child who is the victim of incestual rape is the ‘perfect example’ of why abortion should be banned outright in Michigan. Her callous remarks are the perfect example of how dangerous Tudor Dixon would be for Michigan families.”


CHARLIE LEDUFF: Well, I would say it says, according the latest poll, 86% it’s important and 58% say it’s very. Now you are on record of saying, “pro life, no exceptions.” They asked you rape, incest, or the health of the mother. You said, “no exceptions.” Do you stand–

TUDOR DIXON: Health of the mother and life of the mother are different. […]

LEDUFF: But rape, incest, no exceptions except?

DIXON: Life of the mother.

LEDUFF: Is that– You’re solid there?

DIXON: That’s where I’m solid. […]

LEDUFF: The question would be like, a 14 year old who, let’s say, is a victim of abuse by an uncle.

DIXON: Yeah, perfect example.

LEDUFF: You’re saying carry that? […]

DIXON: I know people who are the product. A life is a life for me. That’s how it is. Okay. That is for me. That’s my feeling.

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