What They’re Saying: Michigan Leaders Applaud President Biden’s State of the Union, Plans for Building a Better America

Last night, President Biden delivered a powerful State of the Union address, highlighting the progress we’ve made in just the past year, condemning Russia for their unjust invasion of Ukraine, and delivering a four-step plan for America’s future. Thanks to the leadership of the Biden-Harris administration and Michigan Democrats’ support in delivering historic pieces of legislation like the American Rescue Plan and Bipartisan Infrastructure law, Michigan is building back stronger. 

The nation heard from a thoughtful and compassionate leader — a stark contrast from the previous administration — who understands the fears many Amerfcicans have about the future. While there’s still more work to do, Democrats have a real plan to deliver for the country and the Great Lakes State – unlike Republicans in Congress.

As President Biden said last night, Michigan is still at the forefront of innovation in the automotive industry. Here’s what Michiganders are reading about his shoutout last night: 

And here’s what Michigan Democrats and labor leaders are saying about President Biden’s address and plan for building a better America: 

  • Senator Debbie Stabenow: “President Biden has laid out a plan to push back on price-gouging and cut costs on those expenses taking more of people’s paychecks every day. We will strengthen supply chains and make more things in Michigan and America. We will lower prices through competition that helps small businesses and protects consumers…”
  • Senator Gary Peters: “President Biden laid out how our nation has made remarkable progress since he took office over a year ago. With our Democratic majority in the Senate, we’ve been able to pass comprehensive relief to help overcome this pandemic – legislation to fix our roads and bridges, expand access to high-speed internet and protect the Great Lakes – and expand access to quality, affordable health care.”
  • Congresswoman Debbie Dingell: “The President is right – the best way to grow and strengthen our economy is from the bottom up and the middle out. We do this by investing in the best workers in the world—American workers.”
  • Congressman Dan Kildee: “Like the President, I believe we need to make more in America. By addressing supply chain issues and bringing critical manufacturing, like semiconductors, back to the U.S., we can fight inflation, lower costs, create good-paying jobs and increase our competitiveness.”

“We are working together to strengthen our supply chain, so we no longer face a crippling chip shortage that has hurt our members who build consumer vehicles, Heavy Truck vehicles and Agricultural and Construction Equipment.” 

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