Millionaire Kevin Rinke Doesn’t Support Savings for Middle-Class Michiganders

LANSING — This week, gubernatorial candidate Kevin Rinke kicked off his self-funded campaign by launching a number of hyperpartisan criticisms against Governor Whitmer. However, he saved the majority of his ire for an issue that has earned broad bipartisan support and impacts millions of Michigan drivers: overhauling auto insurance laws that were in desperate need of reform and putting money back in the pockets of every Michigan driver.

Millionaire turned Republican candidate Rinke is so out-of-touch that he attacked this major cost-saving win for Michigan families. During the latest taping of ‘Off the Record’, he described the reform as a “fatal mistake” and said he would have vetoed it had he been governor instead. 

Drivers were subject to “highest-in-the-nation auto insurance rates” until Governor Whitmer worked across the aisle to put Michigan first, inking an “historic” deal that lowered costs for drivers. Even Republican leaders House Speaker Lee Chatfield and Senate Majority Leader Mike Shirkey had to acknowledge that this massive cost-saving reform “couldn’t have gotten done without her.”

Following her signage of this massive auto insurance reform law, Whitmer strongly advocated for refund checks divvying up the multibillion dollar surplus it helped create to go out to every insured Michigan driver.

MDP spokesperson Rodericka Applewhaite issued the following statement:

“Kevin Rinke is so out of touch that he wants to go backwards and revoke major, bipartisan cost-saving reforms that benefit every driver in Michigan. Fortunately, Governor Whitmer will continue to fight for millions of hardworking Michiganders as she works to get them a much needed refund. That’s the kind of leadership that Michigan families deserve.”

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