Weekly Roundup: President, First Lady, and Second Gentleman – Oh My! 

With POTUS, FLOTUS, and the SGOTUS all visiting Michigan this week, the Biden campaign’s commitment to Michiganders is crystal clear

LANSING — This week has brought a flurry of presidential activity with events all over Michigan, from the UP down to Detroit as the Biden campaign talked health care, women’s issues, and infrastructure with Michiganders. With visits from First Lady Dr. Jill Biden, Second Gentleman Doug Emhoff, and President Biden, Michiganders and the issues they care about most are taking center stage in this election. 

The First Lady and Second Gentleman have already attended events in Marquette, the eastern UP, and Sault St. Marie before they head to Midland later today. On Saturday, they will speak at a women’s event in Detroit before President Biden speaks at the NAACP’s Fight for Freedom Fund dinner on Sunday night. 

The road to the White House runs through Michigan, and the Biden campaign is putting in the work to prove to Michiganders that they take that reality seriously. 

Meanwhile, Republicans here in Michigan are facing yet another scandal… This time, it looks like MAGA Matt Hall may have a gambling problem. The Rolling Stone exposed this morning that it looks like the MI GOP Leader bet $73,000 in just one month. Look, we’ve never thought this guy could be trusted, but how could he be any more out of touch?

Take a look at this week of whirlwind visits and state House Republicans’ latest embarrassment below: 

First, the Chair welcomed the First Lady and Second Gentleman to Michigan ahead of their visit as she applauded their continued commitment to Michiganders. After the Vice President’s visit and ahead of President Biden’s, it is exciting to have the whole West Wing in Michigan over the past few weeks. Clearly, the Biden campaign knows how important our state will be to winning the White House: 

“We are thrilled to have First Lady Dr. Jill Biden and Second Gentleman Doug Emhoff in Michigan this week as they travel all across the state and emphasize how important Michigan is this cycle. These visits are just another way the Biden campaign is proving the road to the White House runs through Michigan. Over the next three days, Dr. Biden and Second Gentleman Emhoff will talk to Michiganders about President Biden and Vice President Harris’ commitment to ensuring access to health care and ensuring women’s rights across all communities.” 

“Unlike Trump’s fly-by visits, which have been nothing more than political stunts filled with lies, the Biden campaign has not only spent time in our communities, but our One Campaign’s on-the-ground infrastructure is second to none. With the President himself coming back to Michigan this Sunday, the First Lady and Second Gentleman’s events in the Upper Peninsula, Detroit, and Midland highlight how the Biden campaign is prioritizing Michigan and earning every vote.”

We are also looking forward to the president himself being back in Detroit this Sunday! Along with Michigan Democrats, many others welcomed FLOTUS and the Second Gentleman to Michigan this week:

Tweet from Alyssa Bradely linking to an MLive article about Dr. Jill Biden's trip to Michigan

Michigan Democratic Party tweet welcoming First Lady Dr. Jill Biden to Michigan

Charlevoix Dems tweet linking to a ClickOnDetroit article about Jill's remarks on her Michigan visit.

To wrap up the week, Matt Hall is falling flat on his face with a new Rolling Stone report that appears to show MAGA Matt bet $73,000 in just one month – nearly 2x Michigan’s median annual income. He even bet against his own alma mater. Talk about someone who is deeply out of touch with everyday Michiganders:

Rolling Stone tweet linking to their article about Matt Hall's gambling history.

Who knows what exciting news and visitors next week will bring! Whatever it is – we’re ready for it. Til then. 

Signing off, 



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