STATEMENT: Michigan Dems Chair Celebrates Juneteenth

LANSING — Celebrating Juneteenth, Chair of the Michigan Democratic Party Lavora Barnes released the following statement: 

“This Juneteenth, I am so proud to celebrate the freedom, culture, and empowerment of Black people here in Michigan and across the country. This year, we are also reminded of the stakes of this election for our community at every level of the ballot.

“Michigan Democrats have invested billions in Black communities, enshrined voting protections into law, and pushed back against Trump’s MAGA agenda that would drag our state into the past. 

“Still, we know that the fight is far from over — with MAGA attacks on voting rights, civil rights, and job creation, Black Michiganders and their families still face far too many attacks every single day. So much of the progress Democrats have made could be undone this November if Trump and his MAGA MIGOP win, and Michigan Dems are committed to fighting for Black Americans and their families every step of the way.”


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